To sum up a lot of very valuable theological explanation: We are a nondenominational Christian church that believes the Bible has been reliably passed down through time since the time it was inspired by God’s Spirit and written by man’s hand. It paints a clear picture of a God who created a world that was unequivocally “good,” but that by man’s rebellious use of the gift of freewill soon became tainted by sin. Sin was incurable by the discipline of good behavior and only partially paid for by the sacrificial system of the Old Testament. 

But God, in His overwhelming love for this wayward people, sent His only Son Jesus who in very nature is both fully God and fully man, to earth as a baby. This baby grew into a man without ever sinning and had a ministry that dramatically affected the ancient world of Israel. But then, in a wild turn of events (events He very much reminded everyone had been predicted for centuries) He faced the most brutal death imaginable at the time, by dying on the cross. Three days later the story would face another dramatic turn as Jesus raised from the dead, declaring not only that our sins had been paid in full on the cross but that Christ has the power to give us new life in Him as well. Today we commemorate His sacrifice through communion and reflect His resurrection through the act of water baptism for new believers. 

Shortly after He ascended to heaven, His promise of an indwelling Spirit became a reality for the early disciples. They, in turn, spread this gospel message of what Jesus had done with unexplainable power and conviction, and the world was turned upside down by this message. As centuries have passed, much opposition has come against the Church. But in spite of all that, Jesus’ promise has remained true that He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. And we, as the Church, eagerly await the day when Christ will come back, as promised, to establish His kingdom on earth as it already is in heaven.